Senior pictures photo shoot without the senior pictures

Matt had his senior pictures taken last weekend. Jen, my brother's wife, was kind enough to come out for the weekend to take the pictures. The following pictures are not the senior pictures; they are my pictures of the place we went to have them taken: Mills Ruin Park, which is a fun little park set down by the Mississippi River by St. Anthony Falls, where there are ruins of a grain mill that exploded. There were many people there taking pictures and I can see why. It's a pretty place. Matt's requirements for industrial, decrepit, and nature were all met in this little park by the stone arch bridge. the stone arch bridge. We are on the downstown Mpls side Jenny crouching down under one of the stone arches to get a cool picture of Matt. Minneapolis framed by an arch some mill ruins in the park an archway in the ruins that black sticky out thing is part of the Walker Art center. Haven't gone there yet, but it's a goal more ruins ...