I've got to hand it to Katie

Yesterday was my birthday. I'm lucky I have a near professional cake decorator for a daughter who loves to make me laugh. And she loves to make me suffer.

She's been teasing me about my cake, not telling me her decoration idea, which she claimed was perfect for me.

For three days, she would refer to the cake in vague terms and not give me any hints. Well, actually, she did. She showed me a picture of some fondant. It was bland colored, ecru tan sort of yellowy skin tone. I guessed fortune cookie, but she said no. Then she showed me a bland side of more fondant but I could make out from it was that it seemed to have a wrinkle in it. And then some blobby parts. I had no idea.

I had to wait all day to see the cake because I had to work and then go to dinner with Jim (Melting Pot downtown for fondue! So much fun!) and then to Sephora at Mall of America because they give out free stuff for birthdays!

Finally got to see my cake at around 8:30 PM. IT WAS PERFECT.

I have a silly tiny hand in my purse and I pull it out on occasion just to do funny things with it so she went with that idea. It resulted in a creepy, hilarious, and totally delicious cake

the fondant tiny hand actually fits on a finger, just like my for real tiny hand.

It looks like a ritual sacrifice with dark undertones

the hand was extra creepy off the cake

I sucked my thumb

My favorite little 5 month old

Jackhand on fondant Jackhand on my hand
the two tiny hands (Jackhands)


TaterBean said…
Ahaha! That was fun(ny).