Sailing takes me away to where I've always heard it could be

Christian has learned to sail a boat and offered to take us out on the lake to experience his new skill. He brought Jackson along as well, who was very excited. When we got to the dock, he immediately got down on his hands and knees to fiddle around with the water.
He wanted to play with the lake weeds. Also, notice the strap in the back. This will be important later on.

Here's the boat being brought to us by a guy in a dinghy.

We are ready to relax and let Christian sail us around Bde Maka Ska

Jackson fit nicely in the covered storage area.

It was a lovely day

Christian handled the tiller and all the ropes with ease.

Enjoyment on our various faces

Jackson is contemplating getting off the boat into the water.

That strap that I mentioned earlier? It's good for holding onto a boy who wants to lean over the edge of a boat and scoop water.

He did that several times.

And again. He loved playing with the water.

Very picturesque

Picturesque AND Jackson playing in the water.

Finally, Dada let Jackson go in the water in the middle of the lake

At first he held on to Jackson

but then Jackson proved he was fine in the water and Christian let go. Jackson paddled around the boat, which had stopped because NO WIND

Fishy fun

Happy boy

We had to get a push back to the dock because like I said before, no wind. 

While Christian tied up the boat and made it ready for the next person, I took Jackson over to the adirondack chairs and took pictures.

He found some rocks to stand on.

Granddaddy took our picture

Jackson played the ground is lava

And last picture of the day, Granddaddy and Jackson on the red chair.

Thanks for the fun and relaxing morning trip, Christian! (we thanked him with Chic-Fil-A)


TaterBean said…
So fun! He'll have to take you out again soon!