
Showing posts from September, 2019

If you could go anywhere in this great big world now, where'd you like to go ta?

To the Weird Al concert at the MN state fair to hear Al sing about the biggest ball of twine in Minnesota! Prologue: One of the first cassette tapes I bought, or even the first album I ever bought, was Weird Al's "Dare to Be Stupid." I can't even remember why I bought it; I don't know if I'd heard any of his songs on the radio or read about him in the newspaper. I kinda think that I probably heard one of his songs on the morning show on WLOL back in the early 80s because it was the heyday of the wacky morning radio programs and Weird Al certainly fit the wacky music label. Regardless, I bought the cassette, and listened to it and I was hooked. I think Yoda was what really tickled me and I can still sing it, even while listening to the actual song, Lola. I can pretty much sing the whole "Dare to Be Stupid" album. So yes, when Weird Al comes to town, I attend the concert. Last year for the Vanity concert, I went twice, once in Minneapolis, and once...