State park picture dump from Father's day

On our way home from House on the Rock, we stopped at 2 more state parks, Beaver Creek Valley and Great Bluffs. We have now visited every state park on the eastern border of MN (and there are dozens). Our tally is up to 43 (out of 71 necessary for finishing the passport). 

Pictures (which loaded in reverse order and I don't want to spend time moving them around): 
Our knees were trash just a little over a mile into the hike so we found a spur trail that led us back to the main road, which PASSED THROUGH A STREAM. Luckily there were cement blocks to walk on.

The path went right over the edge by the tree trunk in the middle. It looks like you go right off the edge. We didn't but IT LOOKS LIKE IT. I almost turned around at this point and went back the way we came because I was just about to NOPE going over the edge.

I love flowers

It was a gorgeous day and a lovely view

The park is straight down from that jutting rock. There's a road down there. 

lots of green

We found the hole in the rock that the trail is named after. It's really just a tiny cave.

The hole int he rock.

It's small. Like 4 or 5 feet across. Humans could not stand in the hole, unless they are really short ones.

It doesn't look like it from the picture, but this trail goes almost straight UP

I love wooden bridges

There's a crevice in the middle of this picture

Happy trails

The first part of the trail is so serene. it does go up, but at least it's not UP UP UP, knee jarringly up like it does later.

I could look at this all day.

The start of the trail. Jim is actually standing on a steep part right here. From this point on, it was all UP.

I like taking pictures of the signs at the entrance, because if we visit 2 parks in a day, I know which pictures go to which parks.

Great Bluffs (pictures loaded in reverse order again, even though I tried to make them in not reverse order. Grr)

I like flowers

this one was like 5 inches across

More orange

This view of the Mississippi--no filter by the way, the greens and blues really are that green and blue.

Jim is showing the view to Matt on a video call. It was Father's day and Matt wanted to say hello.

This is the view of the other side of the bluff. Still so pretty

I love a nice daisy

I like the view between two dark tree trunks

I also like tree trunks

the path

This hike was high up, but since we drove up, we didn't have to climb like we did at Beaver Creek Valley. Trail was nice and flat.


TaterBean said…
Didn't look THAT steep. Lol