Westminster Abbey

Westminster Abbey is like my sewing room: chock full of stuff I like, almost too full so that sometimes you trip over stuff and can't properly see the walls. The main difference is that the dead bodies in my sewing room are bug/spider ones, not humans.

someone had a rough night?

Disapproving gargoyle

So stiff for a supposed relaxed pose

The physical portrayal of VERTICAL

"Please live!" "Please live!" "Please live!" "Die!" "Please live!"

My brother's motto in Latin

I get vertigo looking up like this, but it was a really neat ceiling. 

An in-home pipe organ! I'd take this home! Mine is electric and it would be nice to have real pipes. I'd have to add on a room to the house, because I don't want to put it in the living room with the piano and electric organ.

I wonder if I'm related to this guy? AND he was murdered in the choir? I looked him up and he was scheduled to be executed in the Tower, but he and another fellow escaped across the river to Westminster where he was finally taken down. Unfortunately, he was taken down IN THE CHURCH and therefore the church had to be reconsecrated. You are not supposed to kill people in church. 

So calm and serene

BRITAIN'S OLDEST DOOR! I texted this photo to my brother and we went off on a long tangent about door tax and recordkeeping and forms and cataloging and registering of doors. 

I'd worship here, although I've read it was more of a storage room for vestments and for testing of silver. Still though, a nice place to be calm and ponder or meditate.

a proper British (English?) garden. Old stones, just ever so slightly but properly overgrown, pots here and there, views of chimney pots

A lovely bee!


I lit a candle, but I don't remember for whom

the coronation chair. I wonder when it will be used next? Lizzie is getting on in years, and frankly, so is Charlie.


TaterBean said…
Westminster is awesome! I love all the statues and the guy who was murdered in the church. lol And was that bee called Eric?