Can babies BE 17?

I really do like my teenagers. I enjoy laughing with them, getting them to do things without them whining about it, not driving them places because they have their licenses to drive, etc. I do however protest that the baby of the family is getting so dang old.

Matt 10 years ago
Matt recently turned 17. How can that be? He's the only one left in public education. He's the only one left in seminary. He's the only one who be around full time for a little while longer.

So, his birthday. The last two years, he has requested a Doctor Who cake. This year, he went a for a slightly different alien angle. The X-Files.

wearing his birthday hat

the X-Files cake

Weird face and Seal of Rassilon cupcake (he couldn't quite NOT have anything Doctor Who related for his birthday)

 Anyway, happy birthday, Matt. You can vote in the next presidential election.
