The keys for a happy marriage

No, I don't have marriage advice. (Except choose to be happy, and when you can't be happy, remember that eventually you will get to a point where you can choose to be happy again. Unless there is abuse and then seek help if possible. Sigh. I have not had experience with spousal abuse so my help is woefully inadequate there)

OK enough of that. Really, I don't have marriage advice. What works for us is different than what works for others, etc.

Keys. As in Florida Keys!

30 year anniversary necessitated a big trip. Plus Jim owed me a return to the keys after he caused us a 48 hour suppression of vacation activities on our 25th anniversary trip to the keys. Thank you, vasovagal syncope.

The flight to Ft Lauderdale was a red-eye and the guys who sat behind us were AWFUL. They didn't seem to realize that everyone on the plane just wanted to sleep. They were raucous, foul-mouthed, disruptive, and LOUD. Thankfully I brought ear buds because I turned to music to drown out the irritating conversation between those two doofs. They sat RIGHT behind us, and constantly bumped my seat. I made eye contact with one of them and said, "it feels like you're kicking my seat" and he did apologize, but qualified his apology with "but it is a bumpy ride." Whatever. I did manage to fall asleep for about 45 minutes, but was woken up by another round of tasmanian devil-like behavior behind me. Near the end of the flight, the guy sitting right next to them chewed them out with his own f-word laden tirade and threatened to beat the s^&% out of both of the two young men for behaving like junior high boys. I think pretty much everyone sitting in the back half of the plane wanted to applaud the older guy for letting loose and yelling what we all wanted to say to the two distruptants. Finally a flight attendant had to threaten both parties with law enforcement to meet them at the gate, and mentioned that he'd already had to talk to the two because they were being disruptive. I wonder if perhaps they were high or something. 

The trip could only get better from there. And it did.

We spent Friday on Sombrero beach.

I asked the server if I could have a certain drink without the alcohol. She was puzzled, and said, No because that would be just the juice. I said that's what I want. She said, Just the juice? I said yes. She left and came back after a few minutes, That would be just pineapple juice, orange juice and grenadine. Yes, I said, that's what I want. So she brought it out. It was tasty! And she only charged me for a juice, not the alcoholic drink price. Nice of her, although she seemed really not to get the fact that a non alcoholic specialty drink is just the juice and that's what I wanted. 

More from our trip later if I get around to it.
