Pictures of mushrooms

 Jim and I went up north for a little vacation and visited 10 Minnesota state parks. The mushrooms were out and had I still used actual film for taking pictures, I would have a small fortune on film and developing (had that service still existed in my local Target) prints, and then I would have cried because all the pictures would have sucked mightily. But thanks to digital photography, I could make sure I had at least a few nice, in focus pictures. 

Here are a few of my favorite mushroom pictures: 

Bay polypore

underside of the Dryad's Saddle. I love this strange tubular pore surface 

top of Dryad's Saddle

Possibly an Emetic Russula? Otherwise known as "The Sickener"

a gilled underside of another red Russula

don't know what kind, but it popped up in the middle of a trail

I like the gill action on this one

Irregular pores and a woody stem

Inky caps (in the back) and some puffballs (in the front)

wolf's milk

Green russula
Gill action on the green russula

Orange like a Cheeto

Some kind of large funnel capAdd caption


More Cheeto orange. Waxy caps I think

Coral mushrooms

Possibly amanitas, which is quite poisonous

I called these ones pancake mushrooms (did not eat though)

Lobster mushroom

Another green Russula

These were all over at McCarthy Beach state park

Lion's mane--quite edible and delicious according to information I've read. Sadly I had to leave it there.

Looks like an orange alien

I could have taken hours just looking for mushrooms and getting just the right pictures. I didn't learn of the Seek app that identifies plants/animals/birds/fish/and fungi until halfway through the trip, so most of these are unidentified or just guesses based on my googling things like "white mushroom," which is not a very scientific way to identify things (or a very time saving way). 

I only picked one mushroom and when I had looked at it, I chucked it back into the forest. I don't pick shrooms to eat them because I am a very very beginner at identifying mushrooms, and I do not trust myself to know which are poisonous and which are edible. I do know the lion's mane one is said to be quite tasty, but I lacked the means to cook it while staying in motels. 

Someday, I'd like to find a giant puffball. When I was a kid, my friend Julie and I found a couple in the woods behind our neighborhood and we picked them and kicked them down the street, destroying them. I would love to find more. 


TaterBean said…
For being so yucky, they sure are pretty!