Requiem for a Blue Van
Van of blue,
Now I am blue too.
Because I don't have you.
Well, I still do,
but you don't work.
We got you to go to Utah one summer,
and then in the winter,
We took you to Florida.
We've taken you to Washington DC also.
And to Nauvoo.
I think you've been to Canada once
back before we had to have a passport to cross the border.
I apologize for all the trash
Katie, Jimmy, Paul, Hayley, and Matt
(and sometimes I),
Have left in you.
I also apologize for that time I broke
Your passenger side mirror.
I apologized to Jim too
He wasn't mad.
At first you seemed too big to drive.
But then you were my extended arms and legs
That went really fast.
Well, not that fast.
You are, after all, only a van.
And not a racecar.
Now you refuse to take me anywhere
unless we administer electrical CPR first.
Your windshield wipers go off when they are not needed
And not asked for.
You also make funny clicking noises.
Sometimes you ding even when the key isn't in the ignition.
The mechanic said you had gremlins.
Jim tells me to use the white car
when Paul doesn't need it.
I wanted to take the truck this morning,
but Jim didn't want me to.
He said there wasn't enough gas.
I'll miss you, blue van.
Now I am blue too.
Because I don't have you.
Well, I still do,
but you don't work.
We got you to go to Utah one summer,
and then in the winter,
We took you to Florida.
We've taken you to Washington DC also.
And to Nauvoo.
I think you've been to Canada once
back before we had to have a passport to cross the border.
I apologize for all the trash
Katie, Jimmy, Paul, Hayley, and Matt
(and sometimes I),
Have left in you.
I also apologize for that time I broke
Your passenger side mirror.
I apologized to Jim too
He wasn't mad.
At first you seemed too big to drive.
But then you were my extended arms and legs
That went really fast.
Well, not that fast.
You are, after all, only a van.
And not a racecar.
Now you refuse to take me anywhere
unless we administer electrical CPR first.
Your windshield wipers go off when they are not needed
And not asked for.
You also make funny clicking noises.
Sometimes you ding even when the key isn't in the ignition.
The mechanic said you had gremlins.
Jim tells me to use the white car
when Paul doesn't need it.
I wanted to take the truck this morning,
but Jim didn't want me to.
He said there wasn't enough gas.
I'll miss you, blue van.
Remember that time we were coming home from the Holidazzle Parade? You had parked at the Mollica Merica and taken the light rail into Minneapolis. We had kids with us - who knows how many. We were driving home and talking and right at the same time, we both noticed flashing red and blue lights reflecting on the front of the van, heralding the dreaded sign of the police following us wanting you to pull over. I'm sure you were destined for a hefty ticket. We both turned around to look. Well, I did. Maybe you looked in the rear-view mirror. I know I already had that full-body rush of adrenaline release and felt a little nauseated and warm. At the same time, we both started laughing. The kids had light up toys from the parade and Matt had turned his on!! Whew, way to avoid the ticket!!
I really do like my van. I've heard people knock the minivan and I have to restrain myself from giving them a piece of my mind.
And Jenni, I do remember that. I remember the metallic taste in my mouth after seeing the lights flashing.