Matt doing things
Matt has been busy with school and robotics. For not seeing a lot of him, I was able to take lots of pictures. Here Matt is working on a project for "A Tale of Two Cities" for English class. It's a guillotine made of yarn. A most ineffective guillotine, if you ask me. The finished guillotine. He says there is symbolism in the use of yarn and the colors of the yarn. It looks like a dream catcher. He got 28 out of 30 on his presentation, and apparently the teacher said he's good at BSing. I asked him why the teacher said that and he explained that his project broke during the presentation and he found a way to incorporate the breakage into his symbolism explanation. Matt poses for the camera before his band concert the pre-band concert grimace You can never get a good picture of a short trombonist. You can only see half his head. The Wind Ensemble plays "Godzilla Eats Las Vegas." This is either the third or fourth time I've ...