A sunrise and the resort room, which endeth my vacation report
This was our last full day in Florida. We left the resort in the morning and took some time at John C Pennekamp state park, reading and relaxing. Then we drove up to Miami and checked into our last hotel. We tried watching Tenet, which I had started on the plane to Florida, but didn't get to finish it. The streaming on the TV in the room was really bad, the voices coming in a full 2 seconds before anyone's mouth moved. I did pull it up on my phone and finished watching the movie on my very small screen. It's a movie that needs a couple of watches to get what is going on, kind of like Primer (a time manipulation movie that hardly anyone has heard of, but I think of it often). last chance to watch a sunrise. We tried a couple of times, but most of the time, there were clouds on the horizon. Finally we had a clear horizon. Getting close Just about to pop! The birds were frolicking. And it's fully up and radiating orange. Midway cafe was recommended to us by Katie, and I ...