Last full day in the Keys

Just pictures and captions for you. 

I like how they raked the sand daily. It made everything look well kept. I felt bad about walking on it and messing it up.

the resort rented kayaks and they had a double. I really like kayaking.

wouldn't it be nice to have yearly access to one of these nice beach homes? 

the snoot of a manatee! We were alerted to the presence of manatees by another kayaker so we had to hang around and check them out.

The only good full body photo I got of the manatees was during a Marco Polo with Katie. Luckily I could screen shot it. The manatees must have been at least 8 feet long.
Sombrero beach in Marathon.

tiny shells

We watched the sunset from the retainer wall near Sunset Grille. It's SUPER busy around sunset because of the view, but luckily, their parking lot has ample viewing.

I didn't fall in the water.

looks like a fireball/meteor


my virgin strawberry daiquiri (aka fruit smoothie)

still such pretty colors

Oh yeah, one memorable vacation event: laundry (before we went to Sombrero beach). We did not pack adequately. I got some reading done and we ate fries and Wendy's frostys.


TaterBean said…
Sunset shot! So good!!