Parading's better

What does the robotics team do during the summer?

They build a parade float for the Lakefront Days parade. I don't think we would have ever heard about the parade without vigorous interrogation of our robotics boy. I don't get why he doesn't share stuff like HE'S GOING TO BE IN A PARADE! When I was a kid, watching the Foley Fun Days parade on my grandparents front lawn, all I dreamed about was being in a parade--either by being some fair princess, or by being in a marching band (and I was later, but we never marched in any parade except the homecoming parade through downtown Excelsior, and that was just a shorty mcshortshort parade with floats made by various school clubs--mostly the football team and the cheerleaders and the dance team), or by riding around on one of the Shriners' go-carts. So I don't understand Budge's lack of excitement for BEING IN A PARADE!

I'm glad I weaseled it out of him so that Jim and I could go. We invited Katie and Christian and Jackson, the cutest grandbaby I have so far.

So anyway, I knew that the Robotics float was near the end, so we sat back and relaxed while paraders walked by, most of them handed cheap candy out. That's almost better than Halloween--we, the candy receivers, just have to sit in one place while the candy givers walk by us and hand us the goodies. We got several beer cozies and cheap beaded necklaces too. Katie even got a form to sign up for Windjammers--we saw Mr Z, her 5th and 6th grade band teacher and he had a form on him and now she's all set to be in Windjammers starting in November.

Then we saw the Robotics float. And I did what I thought all robotics parents would do, I rushed to the float, yelled "MATT!!" a bunch of times, and tried to take pictures. Matt was not cooperative. Too bad! I got decent pictures anyway!

Jackson pushes his little tooties on the tray for something to do.

Matt tries to hide behind the shield

garbage can antics

Serious face

Jackson and granddaddy

the robot in the back of a pickup
