Work party

I work for a dental office that has 4 employees, including my brother the dentist. The office is in South Dakota and I'm in Minnesota. I work at home, for which I am very grateful. 

This is the time of year for office holiday parties. Last year we didn't have one, because of one staff member. That staffer is gone now, and the new employee is more outgoing, and we all agreed that this year, a party was in order. I was even up for it despite a 3 1/2 hour one-way drive.

It was a cold and snowy weekend, but Jim and I still packed up the van for the trip slightly west on Friday afternoon. We stayed with Mike and Jen, who showed off their almost-built new house, and their new-to-them used hunting dog, who sat on me a couple of times. He has no concept of personal space. But otherwise, he was a nice dog with silky, short hair. 
I brought adequate gear for a Saturday morning walk. No one would go with me. It was only -2 out. I layered up good. When I got back to Mike's, he had breakfast ready. 

The view. Quite bleak and lovely. It was so quiet too.

Party time! First stop, bowling!

I sewed my skirt just for this outing, so my leggings could be part of a coordinating outfit. Too bad you can't really see how nice they coordinate. But you can see me hold Pink Ball. I scored a 110 one game, which is my best score ever. 
We had a bake exchange before bowling, and then after bowling, we ate at Dempsey's in Watertown. I enjoyed the party very much and I think everyone else did too. It was fun to actually do something in addition to eating together.

The drive home was snowy and slow, but we made it.
