Abbey Road and The Mousetrap
Breakfast at a tiny diner across the street from our hotel. The menu was mostly omelet based, and that worked just fine for us. Mine had spinach and mushrooms in it. Brits are big on toast and fortunately they do like veg for breakfast. Our main goal during the daytime was to visit Abbey Road. This was probably the biggest bucket list item for Jim (maybe tied with Liverpool?). We hopped on one of the many buses and tootled our way over to Abbey Road. And here we are! I like all the graffiti on the gate posts. Jim didn't believe me at first when I told him there was an Abbey Road store under the actual building. He said, it's probably just for employees. I walked down this sidewalk and looked in the door and confirmed that I was right. It was open to the public. We went in and Jim wanted to buy nearly everything in the store. They had some other bands, but most of it was Beatles-oriented. We did not go up these stairs. This is a live cam that watches Abbey R...