Banding together

That would be Hayley and Paul, having concerts on the same night in the same place.

Hayley can't remember which song this was.
Horn quartet prepares to play. Paul is staring off into space.

This was Paul's last band concert. Notice the love going on in the background.
super tall Paul
Paul and his French Horn compatriots (or comrades, if you're a communist) played their Best-in-Site award winning piece. I knew Paul was going to play this in the concert, but I didn't know about when he played it for the judges. I had to find out about that on facebook after the fact.

I also could have posted another picture I took of Paul during the concert featuring a kid behind him who was really digging into his nose, but I thought perhaps you would all get queasy if I did.


Jenni said…
I commented, yet no comment is posted. Hmmmm. Congrats on a great high school band experience for Paul. He seemed to tolerate it just fine without too much emotion one way or another. I'm sure that if he ponders on this experience in 20 years, he'll appreciate it.
I wonder about lost comments. I've been worried that lately because I see that you visit my site, but don't say anything.

I think Paul liked band. He never asked to quit. He didn't argue when I made him pose for a picture with his band director. And he had a lot of friends in band--or at least I saw him always talking to people during concerts when he didn't actually have his horn to his mouth.
Dennis said…
Paul looks very handsome in his black ensamble (and very tall). Speaking of tall Paul, there was a song in the 50's called Tall Paul - don't remember who sang it. Remind Paul that I'm 6'4", he knows about it.
Jen said…
Wow, to think no more band concerts for Paul seems to strange, I'm sure. Maybe he'll do what Morgan did and join the BYU marching band. That would be cool. Congrats, Paul, on a successful years in high school.

Hayley must be a real star to get to play solo:)