10 days

Bet you can't guess what I'm counting down.

Anyway, this post isn't about that.

It's about this:
It's a snow cave. It was also where Matt slept last night (well, for most of the night). The details are still unknown, but I have verification from Jim that Matt dug the cave, shoved the cardboard in it, and bundled up in whatever woolen gear he had and zipped himself into the heavy duty sleeping bag and spent the night in this hole until 4 a.m.

All I can think of is COLD and hopefully he slept with his feet towards the back of the cave, because I would get the willies, the heebie-jeebies, the creepy-crawlies, and the hackles raised if he had gone in head first. I don't consider myself especially claustrophobic, but if I went in head-first and stayed there any more than a minute, I'm pretty sure a panic attack would find its way in there with me and take up most of the air available for breathing.

By the way, yes, Matt and Jim are at a scout campout overnight thingie in the cold and snow. I held a vigil for them by staying in my bed most of the evening and watching TV. Hayley worked, but when she got home, she and I watched a very silly romcom starring one of our favorite time lords, David Tennant. It was set on a Scottish island and it made me want to visit England, Scotland, Great Britain, the UK, whatever you want to call it, LIKE RIGHT NOW. Also David Tennant can rock a serious 70s outfit.


Jenni said…
The entire population of Florida would die. They would literally start crying at the thought, and nothing would get done because they would all worry themselves into a fit over the idea of "the cold". Kudos to Matt!!

and whoo hoo for Jimmy to come home soon!!!
Mike said…
Ahhh, those were the days. I'm going to do a scout overnight soon too. My boys have been begging to do a winter campout. We went ICE fishing last night and they had a great old time. Good for Matt! I'm officially proud of him.
Mike said…
Ahhh, those were the days. I'm going to do a scout overnight soon too. My boys have been begging to do a winter campout. We went ICE fishing last night and they had a great old time. Good for Matt! I'm officially proud of him.
Jen said…
Wow, EJ is so close to being home. It really hasn't seemed like two years have passed. Can't wait!

Matt the Adventurous One! I would never fade to sleep outside in the winter. Mike had us camp out when it got down to 40, and I kept waking up shivering. Not fun for me at all.