
I'm only checking in for a second here. Gotta make the heart-shaped meatloaf, the heart-shaped biscuits, the red jello and the heart-shaped cupcakes now before I head off for a second shift at work. I also have to set up the treasure hunt.

Happy Valentine's Day!


Dennis said…
You're such a romantic.
Jen said…
Have a heart-shaped day! Mondays are our crazy day, so no Valentines celebrations here. Save me some of those biscuits. Yum!
Jenni said…
WOW. We went to the dentist and orthodontist. Nothing says "I love you" like dental care. You shame us all.
There is no shame here, Jennifer. You get to go out with your sweetie, and I get to go to a band concert. Who schedules band concerts on Valentine's Day???
TaterBean said…
it's been so long since you had a post mom :(
Jessie said…
I agree with Katie - where have you gone???