Happiness is...
having pizza delivered by the cutest guy in the world
tipping the cute pizza guy a brownie
being smooched by the cute pizza delivery guy
getting an extra hour and a half of sleep after the fake child was dropped off at 6 a.m.
having a fake child who sleeps two and a half hours after getting dropped off
children who get themselves ready for school (OH HOW I LOOKED FORWARD TO THIS DAY back when I had five children under the age of 9)
children who remember to feed the cats and scoop the litter box without me having to tell them
hearing my sister talk about her students. Seriously, "Would you jump off a trampoline for a cheezy weel?" still makes me laugh. Yes, I would jump off a trampoline for a cheezy weel! And I don't know (and neither does my sister) how long the lag time is between actual death (by murder) and ability to appear as a ghost at a dinner party.
listening to Katie tell me about whose signature cards she got to approve at her bank
a perpetually clean living room (well, clutter-free. It's not always vacuumed and dusted)! For years and years and years I've suffered through massive toy dumping in that room and finally the kids are old enough to not leave Legos spilled all over that room. And I've taught fake child to pick her toys up before she goes home and then we whisk her toy boxes off to another room until she comes back. Now I gotta figure out how to keep the kitchen and dining room clean.
a clean kitchen sink
watching kids play in band concerts
watching kids in sporting events
knitting a fabbo dishcloth a little every day
having a brownie for breakfast
and another one for lunch
and one for dinner
a way-too-comfortable couch
clean dishes in the dishwasher, better yet, clean dishes in the cupboard
tipping the cute pizza guy a brownie
being smooched by the cute pizza delivery guy
getting an extra hour and a half of sleep after the fake child was dropped off at 6 a.m.
having a fake child who sleeps two and a half hours after getting dropped off
children who get themselves ready for school (OH HOW I LOOKED FORWARD TO THIS DAY back when I had five children under the age of 9)
children who remember to feed the cats and scoop the litter box without me having to tell them
hearing my sister talk about her students. Seriously, "Would you jump off a trampoline for a cheezy weel?" still makes me laugh. Yes, I would jump off a trampoline for a cheezy weel! And I don't know (and neither does my sister) how long the lag time is between actual death (by murder) and ability to appear as a ghost at a dinner party.
listening to Katie tell me about whose signature cards she got to approve at her bank
a perpetually clean living room (well, clutter-free. It's not always vacuumed and dusted)! For years and years and years I've suffered through massive toy dumping in that room and finally the kids are old enough to not leave Legos spilled all over that room. And I've taught fake child to pick her toys up before she goes home and then we whisk her toy boxes off to another room until she comes back. Now I gotta figure out how to keep the kitchen and dining room clean.
a clean kitchen sink
watching kids play in band concerts
watching kids in sporting events
knitting a fabbo dishcloth a little every day
having a brownie for breakfast
and another one for lunch
and one for dinner
a way-too-comfortable couch
clean dishes in the dishwasher, better yet, clean dishes in the cupboard