50 carats in carrots

My arms are almost too sore to type, and it's been two days since I toiled for an hour and half in the garden pulling weeds, picking beans, and uprooting carrots.

I didn't take a picture of the beans but I did some of the carrot harvest in jpeg format. (It's weird to have to avoid using the phrase "on film")

The last two cups of raw orangey goodness:

About 1/3 of the total to be frozen.
Paul, Hayley, and Matt helped with the beans. I washed and they snapped the stem off and cut them in half. Then I blanched and froze the beans. I think I got 6 quart bags of beans out of Saturday's pickings. And I've got about 4 quart bags of carrots. My freezer runneth over!


Jen said…
Yum! I wish we would've planted carrots. The first time I realized that raw carrots weren't so bad was from eating some from a friend's garden. Mike picked all the beans with the girls last night and canned 6 quart jars. He's quite pleased with himself. We're running out of freezer space from all the meat/fish he's gotten this past winter, so that's why he opted to can.
Jenni said…
Those look so pretty! Isn't it amazing what color we can produce in food? And it just grew!! Pat on the back for your hard work freezing! Enjoy them later!