I can hear the $$ circling the drain

Time for Paul to get braces. Pics of before and after forthcoming.


Jen said…
Ouch! That can't be cheap. I'm sure we'll be there in a few years. Mike and I both had braces, so it's inevitable that at least one of our children will need them, too. Too bad Mike isn't an orthodontist.
Karie said…
When I took my kids to the pediatrician yesterday, he took one look in my oldest's mouth and turned to me: "Mom, are we saving up for braces?" Big head nod from me!
Yeah, we knew this was coming. Still doesn't make it easy to let go of the cash. Oh well! Hayley gets braces in January too, so we'll have TWO sets to pay for.

What gets me is that neither Jim or I had braces. These kids got their teeth from someone else. Jimmy won't get braces, but the dentist said he should because two of his molars are backwards. He says he's never noticed any awkwardness so we're opting out of treatment because we just can't afford THREE in braces.

And Matt will also have braces, but his teeth are so slow to fall out that he won't be able to get them for a few years.
Jenni said…
Just informed yesterday that Maddie needs braces NOW. I guess we can look at this as a money saver because now we can make their appointments at the same time and save on gas, right? See, we are actually saving money!! I will put Maddie on my insurance when school starts. It helps. The Lord bless you and keep you...
Abby said…
I needed braces as a young adult after I'd moved out on my own. I was too old for insurance to pay for it at all. Man, those were some pretty pennies I had to spend on an already tight budget. I really feel for you all..and two in braces no less. Sheesh.