The end of the beginning

This is it, folks. This is the day we shove the oldest chick out of the nest in our quest to empty it.

We leave as soon as the truck is packed--Jim just needs to put the topper on the truck bed. Katie sure has a lot of, er, stuff. And Ben, who is hitching a ride with Katie is taking his DRUM SET. Yes, an entire drum set!!! The bass drum and snare are in the back seat of Katie's car and all the poles and widgets for the frame and the seat and the bass pedal are in the bed of Jim's truck. Like I said to Jim, boy, I'm glad Katie plays the flute and piccolo.

For those of you who haven't said your goodbyes to Katie, well, you missed your chance. Send her an email, if you like. Email me or leave a comment on this post and I'll send you her email addy.

As I said, this is the end of the beginning. The beginning of a marriage--Jim's and mine. We started off early with the babies and now, one of them is leaving. For twenty years, nearly, Jim and I have been raising kids. And now that time is coming to a close. It'll close very slowly, since we have four more to wave goodbye to, but I see that door swinging back this-away. I know it will never completely close, because there is parenting to do at any age and circumstance (or so I gather from the way my mom keeps trying to tell me what to do--and by the way, THANKS mother for watching the other kids while we take Katie to Utah), but our time as caretakers of Katie is now mostly at an end. It is time for her to begin her adventures as heroine of her own story. Her story is not mine so much anymore. I'll be a peripheral (but still important) character.

Almost time to leave. I asked Jim if he was sad that we are "losing" Katie and he just motioned with his hands--a little yes, a little no. I don't think he wanted to actually say it out loud for fear that he might break from his normal characteristic "whatever" mode and do something I've only seem him do once in our life. And something which I am doing right now. But don't tell anybody.


Jen said…
Awww, Sara, the emotions you must be feeling right now. It's nice that you guys will get to spend lots of time traveling together though for these last few days. I suppose we didn't give an official good-bye and good luck to Katie. We do wish her the best and know she'll succeed at whatever she sets her mind to do.

Good luck, Katie!! We'll miss you!!
Jerilyn said…
You could make like *someone else* you know and have another baby...

Very sweet post, GAF. Gotta run, got, uh, something in my eye...
Jenni said…
I'm all teary now. We don't even see her very often. I'm glad we made Morg go to the reunion and let them have a time together. Once they go away, things aren't ever really the same anymore. She's a great kid and you done good.
Jenni said…
Sara/Jim - I do not look forward to the day when Morgan (or any of my kids for that matter) heads out on her own. In fact, I tremble to think it's a paltry three years away. There is just so much more for us to experience.

Isn't Katie the same kid that spent a month with us in Denver just a year or two ago? I guess time stands still for no one.

We love Katie and are so impressed with her. My daughters look up to Kate and admire her. I admire you both for teaching her so well.

God bless my dear niece. May the road always rise to meet you, and may the wind be always at your back. Remember the example of your Mom & Dad, and you will soar to great heights,

Uncle Trav
Jenni said…
FYI - Holly invited you to stay with them if you needed a place. You know she would love to see you and at least chat. It is also a place that Katie is welcome to go, if she needs a break! I left my cell phone at the Y today and someone took it - it goes straight to voice mail. I'm SO mad at myself and the theif!
Rozzie said…
good luck katie!! im glad i could see you at the reunion!!
Anonymous said…
Thanks aunt Jen, other aunt Jen, uncle Travis, and Rozzie!!! I'm glad I got to see you guys at the reunion too!! Gosh...Utah is strange.

I miss being in the loop...I don't know what is going on anymore...I can't listen to your phone calls anymore, mom...just kidding.