Even so, our house will never be included in the Parade of (Richly Decorated and Ridiculously Huge) Homes

Everyone can breathe a sigh of relief! The computer is back and in mostly working order. There are some strange-ities about it (like templates got changed, photos weren't loading from memory cards using the scanning wizard program, and all the desktop icons were in folders, etc) but I can live with it. I'm sure the Geek Squad had a riotous time looking at all our photos. Especially the zillions we take of the cats.

Anyway, on to business: showing you pictures of the painting job that went on in our house. (Thanks muchly, Dad! Sorry you had to endure the power outage. But Paul's run-in with a painting roller hopefully made up for that).

The wall before (picture taken on Easter). I realized that I hadn't taken any "Before" pictures before we painted, so I had to go through my pictures and find something suitable. I also realized that I take a lot of pictures not involving the blue wall.

And after: I have to do something about that hideous orange lamp. Should I paint it with the wall paint? Mom, it's too bad you don't still have the orange carpeting in your living room; that lamp would match perfectly.

I haven't gotten used to the lighter color yet, but the wall certainly is cleaner, especially in the dining room. You should have seen all the spackling that had to be done in there. It looked like the wall had chicken pox.

Here is the entry wall with the square-ish section of very light blue wall, which Jim has yet to paint.
Today we are off to the lake for a bit of a swim. It's gonna be a warm one today.


Dennis said…
I'm really sorry about leaving that one light blue square in the entry way. I just couldn't do it. My physical limitations have become more magnified in the last few years and I find that I have to leave some of the hard stuff to younger bodies. The new wall does look nice thanks to Katie & Paul.
Jenni said…
Quelle difference!! It looks very pretty!! I read on dad's blog about the Paul incident and laughed. Later today, I'll post pictures of my new gutters.
No worries, Dad. It will give Jim something to do this weekend.