News of the Castle

Welcome to the Shoebox Castle News blog.

Fashion Corner
Unfortunately, no pretty shoes were purchased today or yesterday. Big ugly boy boots (Princess had to borrow boots from whichever boy the boots currently fit) were worn by the princess as she took the fake child out to make snow angels in the yard (fake child made them. Shoebox Princess feared that if she fell back to make a snow angel that her pants would get all wet, and a princess simply cannot have wet jeans)

Alerts for the Shoebox Castle area
Another 16 year old has been given a driver's license. For your information, the teenager drives a white sedan, wears a blue fleece jacket, and looks like this:His parents were reported to be very proud, yet at the same time, "a bit worried about him driving by himself," to quote the mother. The young man replied that his mother's worries were groundless and he smiled as he drove off to his job in a neighboring town by himself.

Chicken pox has been reported in the area, but the public has been urged not to worry. This strain of varicella is not the highly contagious affliction suffered by many children (varicella zoster), but a strange virus of the walls of future sewing rooms or former boys' bedrooms (varicella poster). A photo of this extremely rare form has surfaced here at the Shoebox News:
Again, humans and animals need not worry. This infection is spread only through the inclinations of boys to maltreat their bedroom walls by poking sharp implements into the sheetrock to hang pieces of paper or just to hear the little popping sound of thumbtack piercing the wall. Applying spackle and letting the walls rest are the best treatment for this disease. This news reporter believes that the young man in the photo is one of the three causes of this outbreak of chicken pox. He could not be reached for comment.

National news
The employment situation and financial outlook has just gotten better for one young woman in Utah. Some readers of this news blog might be aware that she doesn't work at a doctor's office anymore, and has since the beginning of November, been working two part time jobs. But this news reporter has learned that the young lady, Miss Tater Bean, has been offered and has accepted a full time position at a local bank. In a statement given yesterday, Miss Bean said she would be giving up one of the part time jobs to go to the bank, but that she would keep the other part time job to pay for gas. Further details are pending.

Thank you for reading today. Check back tomorrow for the latest news at the Shoebox Castle.


Jen said…
Congrats to Jimmy and Katie on their accomplishments. They both must be so thrilled. Now I know to never let my children hang posters on their walls for fear of a chicken pox spread. I remember the same thing happening to me when I was moving out for college. My mom was so ticked and ended up wallpapering the room with this awful 80's wallpaper.
TaterBean said…
I can't believe Jimmy can drive!!! That's so weird...I guess I can't borrow his car when I'm out there in MN then. I was kinda hopin' that I could take over that car for the week. But i guess not. You and I will just have to share. OH...I heard that Miss Tater Bean will keep her part time job ONLY for a little while and if she decides that she doesn't actually need that money anymore, she will quit. She would rather not work Saturdays and Sundays...but will if she has to.
Dennis said…
This is for Jen or anyone else who might have thoughts along these lines)
chicken pox walls are much better than what I experienced (due to my own lack of experience). Whatever you do DO NOT glue cork to the walls thinking you will save on pin piercings.
Jenni said…
Hey - I really like the tree bough with the light. Very Christmas Card-like. Glad to hear of the updates on everyone's lives. Sorry to hear of the about the pox that has manifest itself on your walls. I hope it recovers soon. If I remember correctly, the only that kept Mike from itching was television watching. It might help.
Shoebox Princess said…
Froggybaby, that room could use a television....

Dad, duly noted. No corkboard.

TaterBean, if we must share the car (meaning you monopolize it for the week) you must run errands for me as I need them.
Ann On and On... said…
I am taking the afternoon to read new blogs. I hope you do not mind me stopping by. Feel free to check out my blog. I am having a give-a-way that will end on Monday. Three winners! :D

That was too funny, giving a description of your newly driving son. LOL I also really like the family pictures.

Fun reading, I will be back.