Wanna see one of my boys being thrown out at first?

It's baseball season and I have nothing else of interest to post about, so I'm putting up some baseball videos of Paul and Jimmy at bat. Jimmy's video will come in the next post. I don't have any of Matt, because he hardly ever hits the ball. He's getting better at fielding, though. I don't care so much if the boys get thrown out at first, because at least they hit the ball. Paul had another really good hit later in this same game, but I didn't catch it on video. He hit a solid line drive, but sadly it went right to the first baseman who caught it, so he was out. But it was a good hit. And unlike when I shoot footage at marching band events, I rarely yell when taking baseball videos. So if you think you hear me, you are wrong. DEAD wrong. If you have really sharp ears, though, you might be able to hear Jim. He was basecoaching. And all the clapping and "yaying" was from the Farmington fans.
