Florida gators

Jenni successfully turned 40 and I think she may have even had a good time. Her birthdy bash was last night and here she is, just about to blow out the fire hazard.
Before the party, however, we needed our nails done. This is the first time I've been to a professional nail stylist. I had my nails enhanced and augmented. Is it obvious?
Needless to say, but I'm going to say it anyway, it's hard to type with these talons. But I'll willingly suffer for my beauty.

Remember the apron I made for my mom at her request for her birthday? It's because I asked her for fabric to make Jenni an apron. And here is Jenni with her apron. Happy purple birthday to Jen!

OK, so we thought it was cool that we had seen three four-foot alligators on the local ponds five times in the last few days. Until Roger called yesterday afternoon. Roger and Lani are good friends of Jenni and Travis and live on the edge of a pond. Roger called us to tell us about this behemoth within sight of his backyard. He knew that we had a little boy who was interested in alligators. So we all hopped in the car and drove to see the sight. And what a sight we saw!

There is a second one with only his tail sticking out of the water. You can see him just above Morgan's head. Both gators just sat there the whole time we were there--about half an hour. Also notice the lack of fence between children and gator. And cameraperson and gator for that matter.This week had been so fun! Our gator needs have been amply fulfilled!


Jen said…
Happy 40th, Jenni! Looks like y'all had a great time. Love the new apron. Tres chic.

That is quite a month gator. Thankfully, it was on the opposite side of the pond from you guys.
Stephanie said…
Wow, check out those talons! They'll make a lovely click, click on the organ. :)
TaterBean said…
wow...big alligator! crazy!
TaterBean said…
oh...but he's all the way across the little pond thing...there is no way he'd be able to get to you guys that fast...you'd be in the car and on the way home before that gator could get to the other side...right?