Question for the philosophers

Why is it that the dustiest filthiest place in the house is to the immediate left of where you spend the most time of your waking hours?

I'm decluttering the bookshelf that our printer sits on and it is VILE. The dust bunnies are this big! The dead spider bodies are more numerous than live ones! There are THINGS of nebulous origins! WHY DO WE STILL HAVE OUR OLD SCANNER? I've dug through strata dating back to the stone age--I've uncovered VHS tapes, fercryinoutloud!


Jen said…
You realize a large portion of dust is made up of human skin; at least that's what "they" say. So it would make sense that you are spending the most time in the dustiest place in the house. I also think electronics attract dust because they generate a lot of electrostatic-ness (that's a word, right?).
Jenni said…
LOVED the picture. Yesterday, we were laughing at work when our 6'7" student grabbed some paper towels, got them wet, and then proceeded to clean the top of the fridge. According to him, it had been bothering him for weeks! We didn't know the top of the fridge existed. Congrats on tackling such a formidable job.
Dennis said…
That's some dust bunny. You could probably dust your entire house with that one.
By the way, don't ever vacuum off your computer tower. Best to dust it off. I've heard that it will freeze the hard drive. Or maybe you can vacuum it after turning off the power. I'm not taking chances so I let the dust and cob webs accumulate on all parts.
Jake and Steph said…
Your first mistake was moving the printer. But now you got me eyeing my printer up. There's probably dead centipedes under mine. I'll have to add that to the list of numerous things I do on a monthly rotation like cleaning under and behind the fridge, pulling out the stove and making sure everything is ship-shape back there, mopping the garage floor, and cleaning behind the washer and dryer. Yeah right. It's starting to sound a lot like ma's old job lists.