Please Keep a Clean Hygiene of the State*

* English translation on a bag Katie brought back from China.

Katie is home from China! She made it safe and in very good spirits. She is totally sick of Chinese food and she said that Chinese food from China is different from Chinese food served in Chinese restaurants here in the US. She wanted Taco Bell and pizza immediately. We've spent over an hour looking at her pictures and hearing stories of China adventures. Before she went to China, she was very excited about the "dancing on the tables" at a restaurant listed on her itinerary. Yes, she said, they really do allow you to dance on the tables there. And Katie seems to have made a friend at that particular event. Witness:
Oh. My. Word.



Can you imagine a mother's thoughts of horror at seeing a picture like this???

Actually, I nearly laughed my trachea out.

She says she was dancing (not on the table) with two friends. He grabbed her camera and gave it to her friend Riley; then grabbed her hands and started dancing with her. He kept wanting pictures to be taken of the two of them dancing. Then he dropped his ciggy and crushed it on the floor and kept dancing with her. She couldn't get away fast enough.


Jenni said…
Mom, I met someone. We're in love. I know you'll learn to love him, just as I have. Yes, the language barrier can be a problem, but love is a universal language.

How do we say here in America..Heebie Jeebies?
Dennis said…
See what happens when you let your child roam the world.