Random Photo: Episode Jim

L to R: Jim's mom Anne, Jim's sister Michelle, Jim's sister Tammy, Jim, and Jim's dad Jim. The thing Tammy is holding was part of the graduation processional. All the flag girls had them and they held them up to form a sort of archway for the seniors to walk under.

Having spent much time considering Katie's upcoming graduation from high school, I kind of fixed on this picture. Obviously I didn't know Jim back then, but probably would have liked to (despite my having only just finished 7th grade at the time. Plus he had a girlfriend back then, so maybe it's better than we didn't know each other). I'd ask him to share any memories of this picture, but he's at work. Jim, if you read this, COMMENT on it (and don't say "Don't post pictures of me.")! I'm trying to get him to participate in this blog thing, but so far he hasn't seemed overly anxious to share his two cents.


Anonymous said…
Nice "Brady Bunch" picture. Now if only I could grow my hair like that now.
Yay! You commented! Yes, folks, anonymous above was Jim.

I like your hair how you have it now. It's so easy to give you a haircut. Besides, if you had all that hair, you'd probably spend lots of time in the bathroom styling it. I'd never get time with the hair dryer.
Jenni said…
I was more amazed with Jim's mom's hair!! Wow, if only I could do that. I was also wondering what in the h-e-double-hockey-sticks Michelle is wearing. Those styles were something else. I'm sure it was all part of the "Gunney Sack Dress" craze. In this picture, it looks like an apron or smock or something. Travis' pictures are just as lovely. Glad to see Jim posting. Does he usually just lurk?
Anonymous said…
Loved the picture. Thanks Sara for posting it. We look like a skit from SNL.
Jen said…
Those were the days...feathered hair and lots o' burnt orange and harvest yellow. Jim was (is) so studly!